waken up by the fire alarm in the early morning, i couldnt fall asleep anymore so i woke up and watched tv as usual. i kept switching from one channel to another, finally i stopped at Discovery home and health channel and watched "The Face Maker".
In this episode, three cases were shown:
Hailey was the girl whose face wasnt balanced and got it back to almost normal after the 4th (as i rmb) surgery. The smile of this sweet girl is so beautiful :)
In the second case, the skulls of Ebby and her twin sister(i cannot rmb her name..) were not grown normally for unknown reason. Ebby's situation was more severe as she got crossed eyes and she had convulsions as well. While her sister was in a better condition then her. Few years ago they had already undergone a big surgery to open up part of their skulls in order to let their brain grow and it was quite a success. But still, doctors were trying to work with their parents to figure out the cause of their abnormal skull formation, to check whether the problem was inherited from parents and see what could they do to prevent the future inheritation to their next generation.
I am deeply touched by the last case: Joshua the 4-year old boy. He was diagnosis with a really rare hereditary disease which made his face looked so different from nornal kids. When he was born, his face looks really scary, two eyes ball came almost all out, flat nose bone, tongue incontrollably came out, weird proportion face. To be frank, i was totally shocked by such visage in the beginning. Little Joshua had gone through his 23th/27th operation to rebuild his face. He couldnt make any nose as a pipe was put into his throat to help him to breathe so no air could be through and thus no noise could be made in his throat; a large part of his eye lid were sealed for some reason thus he couldnt see properly, and he couldnt walk very well. Many people (including me) naturally popped into the thought that he got problem with his intelligence too, but it turned out to be incorrect. Joshua is completely normal when it comes to intelligence, he could read and he was kept learning. I was really heart-breaking and bursted into tears incontrollably when i saw how this little boy gotta gone through all these pain and challenges in his life; when his parents waited outside the surgery room and i could imagine the pressure they had at that very moment; when i saw joshua started to regain his conscience after the surgery and his little fat hand moved and i know he was in deep pain. Few months later, Joshua was recovering and we could see that the marathon surgery paid off when he could walk with his parent holding his one hand, when he was able to see more as his eyelid was unsealed, when his nose and cheek looked better, when he could start making sound in his throat and his mother said she knowed Joshua loved his mommy. I know GOD really love him (Hailey, ebby and her sis too)!
it's for sure that the three kids would have many challenges ahead, i hope with their parents' love and support from GOD, they could have a wonderful and meaning life when they know that they are loved!
Wish sincerely a Merry Christmas to these lovely kids :)