
是叮噹, 不是多啦A夢!

多年前的遺憾/問題, 今天終於知道了答案...
而那非人再所托非人, 相信我的珍藏早已不在人間...
心情真的有點沈重, 唯有安慰自己, 人生本來無一物!
不在乎天長地久, 只在乎曾經擁有!
永別了叮噹, 一路好走!




Meet the Fockers :)

我第一次見家長, 五點中起逆時針數: 我, 肥妹 , 肥妹弟,世伯, 伯母, 肥妹姊


wisdom tooth

就是圖中的黃點位置, 疑似智慧齒令我每次咬合都非常痛苦, 心情不好時更加心情不好...


我最近的皮膚狀況, 和我的精神狀態一樣不堪...
買了一些新布/ 材料, 希望可以早早收到:)


fat boy and fat lady

this is fat boy :)

this is fat lady :P
這數天又懶惰了不少... 要把持!


sorry mom...

this week's been interviewing week for me, i've got totally 4 interviews this week (one was a second in), which must be my record in life. maybe i am too busy dealing with my own stuff, or maybe i'm just too absent-minded and selfish, i forgot mom's birthday AT ALL! i mean it's really a huge mistake esp. when dad and bro also forgot it, cant imagine how disappointed mom is right now... she just thinks that we treated her like a maid, that we call her whether we are in need, and that we forget about her after our pb is solved, our desire has been fulfilled....
really soooo sorry mom... i (, dad and bro) shouldnt take your love and care for granted, we are so damn stupid and hurt your feeling... what can i do to make it up? i know i could calm her by saying sorry and clean the dishes for her immediately, but it wont heal her heart... i know i must not just so some short term making-up actions, what would really make mom happy are our love and care to her whenever she need them.... and we are always too ignorant to notice her needs... i feel so guilty about it... mom's love to us is so unconditional, we are nothing as compare to her...

tmr, i gotta clean my room up, wash the floor, put things back right in order...etc
then i gotta choose a restaurant that mom would like to go (i think of Japanese Teppan!)
and i would like to make her a drawstring pouch too!

sorry mom, i love you and i wanna hug you, and i'm gonna prove that to you by my actions!

god pls, comfort mom and heal her wound, and most importantly, may the holy spirit would always remind me the love of YOU and the love of mom :)


Job Interview

Have finished my very first interview since my temporary short vacation, i wasnt very nervous thou i wasnt really well prepared, but it's a pity that i hvnt spoken much French with him... it's a good start anyway and the interviewer is quite fun and easy-going, asking me lots of question and he even asked me about my religion! (the relationship between Baptist Church and Christianity) i would have more interviews tmr and on wednesday, and i'm quite nervous about that as those positions are more appealing to me, but no matter what, i know god would look after me and would prepare the best for me, i gotta have faith about it!



是日鼻敏感來襲, 吃藥後雖然腳步浮浮睡意濃濃, 但起碼敏感徵狀減弱, 可以做我想做的事!
早上匆匆吃了個早餐便去做個facial, 化個妝, 不過都看不慣... 晝了眼線的自己實在妖艷...

先來看看我的新玩具, 家母從一位auntie借回來的, 最近幾天由幾位uncle auntie搶修中, 進展良好!

拖拉了數天的筆袋, 仍有待完成!

造呀造, 肥仔快要完成喇!

今天上課的現場, 看到我剛造起左下角的肥仔嗎? 終於學會整肥仔, 你好得意呀肥仔! 是日還爭取機會問了一些手作問題, 實在不枉此行!
晚上的聚餐因為朋友的婆婆今天身體不適入院而要延期, 雖然可惜, 但婆婆身體要緊, 希望你可以快快康復!
天氣駛唔駛變得咁快呀, 我唔想又病呀!




去好友家打邊爐, 聯誼聯誼!

這闊太般的生活, 在找到工作後就未必可以繼續, 這一刻我要好好享受, 活在當下!


my recent to-do list

- study bible, pray for myself, family, frds and people in need
- search job
- send out cover letter/ cv
- watch TF1 news
- make pouch for black girl and doggie
- clean the floor
- be positive and motivated!

其實不是很困難吧, 努力! 明天要再進一步!


表姐到訪. 明信片. 手作仔

雖然最近仍然都在為找工作而煩惱, 但其實生活當中都有些值得高興, 感恩的事 :)

表姐從美國來香港放假, 我們相處得很愉快呢! 有天我們和媽到了廣州, 我們做了韓式massage, 我還第一次吃了小肥羊 :)

遠方好友寄來的問侯, 令我心頭一暖 :)

最近受到 "le courier"啟發而造的手作仔, felt是很易handle的材料 :)

生活需感恩 :) 努力! 積極呀!



i'm happy to have a new home :)